The Comfort of Corners
This collection of work depicts the comfort of corners. Facing a corner is an intimate experience that causes individuals to look inward for self-reflection. The medium of photography allows the viewer to visualize and feel included in the corner. Hopefully, each viewer is inspired by this experience and looks within themselves to discover something that was previously unknown or buried within them. 
Candle in the Window - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Candle in the Window - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Brothers - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Brothers - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Lost at Sea - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Lost at Sea - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Fake Flowers - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Fake Flowers - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Four Corners of the Globe - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Four Corners of the Globe - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Under the Mask - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Under the Mask - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Gone Fishin' - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Gone Fishin' - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Shy Ivy - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Shy Ivy - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Cat Corner - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Cat Corner - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Comfort Crutches - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Comfort Crutches - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Turmoil of Corners
This series depicts the claustrophobic nature of the corner. Facing a corner can be an alienating experience that promotes vulnerability and allows insecurities to fester. These feelings of discomfort and decay are best visualized through the use of photography. It is only through seeing and understanding our inherent flaws and weaknesses that we are able to overcome them. 
Vulnerable - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Vulnerable - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Mop Closet - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Mop Closet - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Maze - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Maze - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Mural of Shame - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Mural of Shame - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Yellow Chair - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Yellow Chair - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Chair by the Window - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Chair by the Window - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Perfectly Preserved - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Perfectly Preserved - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Well - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
The Well - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Aggression - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Aggression - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Hoarder's Delight - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.
Hoarder's Delight - 13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper 2019.

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