The decline of the mall does not just affect the businesses still clinging to their ever-shrinking consumer base. It also threatens an entire subculture. The buildings that once enticed a generation with a wide variety of goods, a place to hang out with friends, grab a bite to eat, and in most cases even to watch a movie, now lay predominantly dormant, with little to offer except the memories of an era that is soon to be no more, trapped in a liminal state. But what caused the death of the mall? Was it simply the newfound ease of online shopping? Surely the average person would prefer the instant gratification of the retail shopping experience, where they can get a hands-on look at their desired item and judge the quality themselves before purchasing it, instead of the gamble of an online transaction that is based off the reviews and suggestions of strangers that can easily result in delayed shipping and online scams. Is the answer as simple as the convenience of not having to leave the house? Perhaps it is tied to an instinctual desire to not leave the safety of our shelter unless absolutely necessary. Whatever the causes may be, the result is the same. The once populated centers of commerce now stand empty. The decorative water fountains have dried up, their once sacred coins now exposed. The marble statues are still posed, waiting for someone to finally come along and meet their gaze. The sun still shines through the skylights, warming the fake plants that cannot partake in it. The stores sit empty, yearning to once again be filled with purpose, all the while suffering from further decay and neglect. This series of photographs defies time itself. By utilizing modern photo editing tools and employing a limited yet unified color palette, these photos present the featured malls as sterile and pure environments, free from signs of age and maturity who can finally start fresh and attract a new audience that appreciates their renewed and rejuvenated form.
"Marble Fountain #1"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Marble Fountain #2"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Marble Fountain #3"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Dried Up"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Wishing You Well"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Reflection Pool"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Shop till You Drop"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
""Everything Must Go"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Food Court"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Twin Escalators"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Going Up"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Primary Support"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Trees Amigos"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Blue Reflection"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Light and Dark"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Light Pockets"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Dining Alone"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Center Piece"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Skylight Overhang"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper

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