This collection of work showcases the dynamic between secret hiding places and photography. Capturing a subject of an intimate and secretive nature and displaying it for others to see contradicts the very nature of a secret hiding place, and is therefore no longer secret. Attempting to find a secret hiding place creates a challenge fueled by a feeling of mystery, intrigue, and wonder, thus giving the individual a sense of accomplishment and instant gratification once it has been found. However, since the audience is left out of this search and is only shown the end result, this rewarding feeling of payoff is withheld, leaving this elusive feeling confined to its own hiding place within the images themselves.   
There's and Old Man in the Attic - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
There's and Old Man in the Attic - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Shower Knife - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Shower Knife - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Ammo Crate - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Ammo Crate - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Peekaboo - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Peekaboo - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Two Turtles - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Two Turtles - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.

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