In Portrait photography, the subject of an image typically acknowledges the existence of the lens and does their best to present themselves in a positive light. This series personifies the feelings usually not seen in a portrait in order to reveal and unmask the undesired emotions of everyday life. Whether it is variations of the past being played on an endless loop fueled by regret, being paralyzed by humiliation, the unknown waiting for an opportunity to reveal itself, anxiety always managing to find its way in, or the ever-growing weight of depression, these afflictions have been conditioned to remain secluded from the public. It is only until we are brave enough to confront these feelings that we may hope to understand them and adapt them into our everyday lives. 
Regret - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Regret - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Loop - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Loop - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Humiliation - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Humiliation - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Paralyzed - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Paralyzed - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Unknown - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Unknown - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Waiting - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Waiting - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Depression - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Depression - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Weighted Down - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Weighted Down - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Anxiety - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
Anxiety - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Way In - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.
The Way In - 8" x 10" Silver Gelatin Print 2019.

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