This series is an introspection on communication, and uses phones to represent different aspects of a multifaceted and complex exchange. Communication is a vital part of any relationship, and the exclusively human ability to put our thoughts into language is one of our greatest tools. However, there are societal and psychological norms that dictate how and when we should communicate with each other. 
These stipulations can often serve as points of contention and anxiety, especially when the urge to communicate with others goes against what makes us comfortable. How do you get past the initial indecision to reach out to someone you have not spoken to in several years? How do you deal with words left unsaid that have been bottled up over time? How do you initiate a conversation with someone that might disagree with you? How long do you rehearse what you want to say before you actually have to say it? 
All of these moments of hesitation stem from our own anxiety about how we portray ourselves through our words, and for the briefest of moments are multiplied exponentially by the sound of the dial tone. These images were taken to visualize these feelings of apprehension and trepidation in order to share them with others who experience them and bring understanding to allow for more open and healthy means of self-expression and communication.
"Through the Wire"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Missed Call"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Cold Call"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Running in Circles"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Long Distance"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Hot Line"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Hung Up on You"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"Waiting by the Phone"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper
"We Only Talk in My Dreams"
13" x 19" Inkjet on Paper

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