This experiment was an exercise in storytelling. The goal of this project was to establish a narrative out of the progression of images. Therefore, my typical methodology of photographing a body of work was reversed, leading to the meaning and cohesion of these images to be established after they were taken. This abnormal procedure changes the way in which the viewer understands the interpretation of the images in two distinct ways. The first being the use of a narrator, who uses a journal to direct the narrative and detail the themes behind each section of the story. These sequential explanations also allowed the narration to reflect the reversed methodology, by highlighting and discovering the meaning of the images in a similar way to how they were identified in real life. The second significant change to the viewer experience comes from the project's methodology closely following the scientific method. If the initial idea for this experiment serves as the fundamental question, then taking the images without a preconceived idea or concept is the hypothesis. Examining the images and finding the story within them equates to analyzing data, and this current body of text results in the conclusion. Even though this paragraph does appear first in the order on this website, this paragraph was the last step taken in completing this experiment, and is meant to introduce the concept, present final thoughts, and provide a retrospective on the process as a whole, and serves as a mixture between a typical scientific conclusion and an artist statement.
Part I: "Whole New World"
4/03/2021 - In an instant I was gone. I found myself a pioneer on a distant world that was similar to our own, except for one obvious difference: everything was cast in a purple hue. These are the photos taken as I documented new landscapes and studied the whole new world that I would soon call home.
Part II: "Flora and Fauna"
4/10/2021 - I have begun to study the native species. The relevant differences appear minor, and only effects the coloration. The most consistent results seem to indicate that green has become purple, and yellow has become pink, and reds remain relatively unchanged. Less reliable results include natural purples shifting either to white or inverting to green, while blues vary between teal and indigo depending on their original hue and vibrancy. I have also spotted a few animals, but their appearance suggests an immunity to the change in colors present in the plant life.
Part III: "Relics from the Old World"
4/15/2021 - Further investigation has led to some interesting developments. Over the past few days, new objects have begun to show up seemingly overnight. The significance of these items range from litter and debris to mad made products of infrastructure like fencing and electrical cables. The method in which these relics came to be is still unknown. Perhaps they appeared in the same way I did, or were quickly built by a presence I have yet to discover. Only time will tell.
Part IV: "Civilization"
4/25/2021 - Almost a month after my arrival, the once barren world I found myself in has quickly terraformed into more familiar territory. What was once a desolate wasteland has now become a bustling town full of mazelike neighborhoods and roads. The hallmarks of civilization have begun to reform and society has resumed. I still do not know how this world came to be, but I am at peace knowing that this is where I now belong.

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